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LIDOfit - Glute Burn

LIDOfit - Glute Burn

Time to get those peaches on fire, ready for the summer!

We have a fiery workout, bound to get them working and exhausted in no time.

What you will need

For this workout you will ideally complete each move with a mini band placed on your thighs, just above your knees. The mini band will create more resistance, so you will feel the effect of the moves very quickly! However, if you don’t have one you can go through the workout just the same, but perhaps bringing more awareness to maintaining posture and tension where needed.

Have a timer to hand.

Each set is

  • Squat pulses
    The set up - set your feet hips distance apart, keep your tailbone tucked in, and belly tight. You can bring your hands to prayer, or on your hips; whatever feels more comfortable to you.
    If you’re using the mini band, ensure that it is sitting correctly above the knee.
    The move - lower to a chair position, keeping your back in a straight line- no rounding! When you get to the bottom, pulse twice before coming back up. Your thighs should be pushing outwards into the mini band

  • Alternating lunges
    The set up - hands on hips, step your right leg out first, creating a 90C angle in both legs. Keep your core tight and you back straight.
    If you’re using the mini band, ensure that it is sitting correctly above the knee.
    The move - step your right leg out first, creating a 90C angle in both legs. Repeat on the left side. Move with control, and if you can’t go to a 90C angle, only push yourself as far as you are comfortable. Maintaining correct form is more important than depth.

  • Curtsey lunge
    The set up - hands on hips, your feet are slightly wider than hips distance apart. Core is tight.
    If you’re using the mini band, ensure that it is sitting correctly above the knee.
    The move - step your right foot behind you, bending your back knee to a 90C angle. Do not rest at the bottom. Come straight back up and repeat on the other side.

  • Leg lift from table top
    The set up - come to your hands and knees, ensuring that your wrists are in line with your shoulders, and knees below your hip joints. Core is tight.
    If you’re using the mini band, ensure that it is sitting correctly above the knee.
    The move - ensuring that your hips don’t sway, and stay straight and parallel to the floor, lift your right leg with control, aiming to bring it in line with your hip. With control bring it back down and repeat on the left.

  • Glute bridges
    The set up - come onto your back. Put your hands into fists, and have your arms on the floor alongside your body, strong and stabilizing. Your feet are a little in front of your knees, and if you feel like it you can lift your toes. Core is tight.
    If you’re using the mini band, ensure that it is sitting correctly above the knee.
    The move - on your exhale tighten your core and lift your hips off the floor. When you reach the top, push your legs out into the band, return to centre, then lower.

Each move is done for 40 seconds, followed by 10 seconds rest. Once you have completed a lap, only take a 10 second break, then go back to the top. Do eight rounds.


You can do all of these moves without a mini band. If you are feeling unstable you can rest your hands on a surface for added support.

These moves are available for women in pregnancy, bar the last one on your back. Skip this one.

**DISCLAIMER** Please check with a doctor before starting on a new fitness regime. We accept no liability for any injuries incurred.

Remember to take this slow and not push yourself to a point at which your are no longer comfortable.

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