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LIDOfit - Prenatal Back and Hip Relief

LIDOfit - Prenatal Back and Hip Relief

In the interest of bringing fitness to all levels and conditions, today’s LIDOfit has a special focus on postures to help release tension in the back and hips, and that are particularly beneficial in pregnancy.

Pregnancy can put such a strain on the body, and it is good to have a few go-to moves to relieve tension.

That being said, don’t think that this excludes any of you. These will do wonders for any and all of you!

You could tag these moves onto those from our hip opening stretch series, for a great relief.

Do these moves individually, or in sequence, to give yourself a brief but beneficial flow. This is not meant to be a sweaty workout, but a more meditative practice, taking time to listen to your body.

Before you get started, follow the quick warmup below.

What you will need

Have a couple of blocks to hand, or a rolled up blanket. You may also welcome the use of some cushions, in order to make yourself more comfortable

  • Warm Up
    Start by rolling your wrists in both directions, then shrugging your shoulders up and down.
    Roll your neck gently to the right, and then to the left
    Come onto all fours, for a few rounds on cats and cows. Go and your own pace, and be sure to not push yourself to the point of discomfort

  • Butterfly Pose

    Begin this flow seated. You can make this posture as active or passive as you want; just listen to your body.
    The set up - Inhale as you sit up straight, and bring the soles of your feet to touch. Your feet can be further away from your body to start. Exhale as you bring your heels closer in to your body, keeping your back straight. You can gently move your knees up and down, as you try to bring them closer to the floor.
    Hold for five breaths

  • Pigeon Pose

    The set up- From a downward facing dog, reach your right leg forward and place it down in front of you, with your knee bent at a 90 degree angle. Your left leg stretches behind you, top of your foot is flat to the floor. If you feel that your hips are not even, place a yoga block or cushion under your right buttock. You can stay upright with the tips of your fingers on either side of you. If you feel able, stretch your arms forward and bring your body down, for a deeper stretch
    Hold for five breaths and repeat on the other side.

    !! Contraindications: Do NOT practice this posture if you have a knee injury!!

  • Chair Pose
    Come to standing.
    The set up - Bring your feet hip distance apart for better balance. Bend your knees, ensuring that they don’t come past your ankle. Hold in a seated position, while keeping your back straight. You can either bring your arms parallel to the floor or up alongside your ears, ensuring that your shoulders don’t come up.
    You can also do this against a wall for added support.

    Hold for five breaths.

  • High Lunge
    The set up - Keep your Right knee bent, and either slide your left foot back or take a step back, with your toes facing forward. Your back heel stays lifted, and raise your arms alongside your ears, ensuring that your shoulders don’t come up.

    Bring your front knee lower, but not collapsing over the knee. You should be able to see

    your big toe on the inside of your knee.

    Hold for five breaths and repeat on the other side.

  • Child’s Pose

    Come back to the floor to sound off this series.

    The set up - Bring your feet to touch spread your knees wide. Come as low as you can, belly permitting! Stretch your arms in front of you. You can either stay like this, or move your hips from side to side for a gentle stretch.

    Hold for five breaths.

**DISCLAIMER** Please check with a doctor before starting on a new fitness regime. We accept no liability for any injuries incurred.

Remember to take this slow and not push yourself to a point at which your are no longer comfortable.



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