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LIDOprofile - Roxanne Blondel

LIDOprofile - Roxanne Blondel

Roxanne Blondel is an illustrator and entrepreneur, who manages to make happen whatever she sets her mind to.

Her latest offering is a yoga inspired card game called Yogasana. Here she tells us more about how she came to create it and where she finds her passion and inspiration.

How did you come to do what you do?

YOGASANA was born from my passion for both illustration and yoga. I got the idea while I was completing my yoga teacher training, in October 2019.

The idea kept growing in my mind, and when the first lockdown happened, I used the time to put pen to paper to create all the cards. They were finally ready to be launched in November 2020.

What's the most exciting part of your job?

Creativity! I love feeling free and without limits, to be able to bring to life every idea that comes into my mind.

What challenges do you usually encounter?

Being an entrepreneur means managing a whole host of different issues every day. All of these challenges are so varied, going anywhere from logistics, communications etc. That’s what I love! Every day is different, and brings new challenges, and it’s so exciting!

What's your typical day like?

There is no typical day in my life ! Every day is different and I love it being that way. I get bored very quickly if I’m always doing the same thing. I don’t have a routine at all, but I do have rituals that I repeat every day. For instance, every morning I practice yoga. I adapt my practice to how I’m feeling physically and emotionally.

What do you like doing in your spare time?

I like seeing my friends, practicing yoga, playing football and riding my bike. I really love working out.

I also really enjoy drawing and reading.

What’s your go to track or album at the moment?

I enjoy listening to music that is linked to the sacred feminine. I have created a playlist that I am happy to share with you: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3IRWnESh5ti3E2KeEwVVf0?si=6aa44971c2d441db

Any exciting news that you would like to share with us?

I will soon be launching YOGASANA in English, as well as an extension to the game, with additional postures.

You can order directly on Roxanne’s website, and follow her on Instagram

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