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Three spots to read a book in London

Three spots to read a book in London

Travel is opening up again, and if a jaunt to London is on your list, or if you’re already there, here are a few places to take a few moments of quiet.

Have you been to any of them?

Chelsea Physic Garden - 4 acres of quiet pathways sit just a few steps away from busy Kings Road, in Chelsea. It was set up in 1673 for apothecaries to grow the plants they needed to make medicines. Now it is a lovely place to come and escape for a few moments of peace. The garden also hosts a Christmas market at the end of November.

Holland Park - The tranquility of Kyoto Gardens are a heaven sent escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. Donated by the Chamber of Commerce of Kyoto, the gardens offer a true feel of Japan in London. The koi pond, and Japanese landscaping offers a truly peaceful atmosphere.

Primrose Hill - With views over Regent’s Park, and the rest of the city, this is an ideal spot to come to feel on top of the world! The huge variety of delis near by mean that you can sort yourself out a lovely picnic to enjoy with the view!

*Photos are copyright to Royal Parks*

LIDO Christmas Gift Guide 2021

LIDO Christmas Gift Guide 2021

Vegetarian Caesar Salad

Vegetarian Caesar Salad