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Combating Hay Fever

Combating Hay Fever

Tis’ the season...

Itchy eyes, runny nose, asthma attacks... and we thought winter was behind us along with the cold season. Symptoms related to hay fever can be very unpleasant for some of us, so just anything to help will do! Here are some of our best tricks to relieve these symptoms, in order to enjoy spring again! 

Fruits and veggies rich in vitamin C

The first items that come to mind may be citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit, lemon, etc.). However, note that other foods such as guava, yellow pepper, broccoli, parsley or even kiwi are packed in vitamin C. Not only will these help boost your immune system, they will help facing hay fever and the fatigue that usually comes with it.


Because of it is rich in histamine, nettle (cooked!) is one of the best foods to fight pollen. Its consumption can improve your body's tolerance to allergens, therefore modifying your allergic terrain. Try adding nettle to a soup, or infuse some leaves in hot water and sip slowly.


The pollen in honey is said to help desensitize you to other pollens, so try adding some to your daily intake, either in hot water or on your food (like on our baked pears!). Try to find locally produced honey if you can.

Garlic and Onion

Both garlic and onion are full of anti-inflammatory and anti-allergen properties. Start incorporating more of them in all the meals you prepare! You will find plenty of ideas amongst our recipes!

** DISCLAIMER ** This is advice based on our experience. If you experience any symptoms, it is always best to consult your doctor for advice. We can take no responsibility for any adverse reactions to what we suggest here.

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Baked Pears

Baked Pears