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LIDOfit - Sun Salutations

LIDOfit - Sun Salutations

Sun salutations are a great way to start your day.

They get your body moving in every direction, lubricating your joints. They help to increase strength, flexibility and tone the body. Your breath is key to this sequence, so focus on that as you move through this sequence.

Below, we will detail every pose, so that you can then hit play on the audio file and try them out for yourselves! In the recording, we will only use the English names of the postures, to avoid confusing you as we go along. We’ll take you through four rounds, to really wake your body up! You don’t need any equipment for this, just your body and your awareness.

  • Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
    The set up - stand with your toes touching, and your heels apart. Tuck your tailbone in, and ensure that your back is straight. Lengthen through the crown of your head, keeping your chin level.
    INHALE to..

  • Upward Salute (Uttanasana)
    The set up - maintain your Mountain Pose in your lower body, and lift your arms to the sky. Make sure that you don’t bring your shoulders up to your ears. Keep your arms straight.
    EXHALE to..

  • Forward Fold (Uttanasana)
    The set up - you fold over to bring your stomach to your thighs, bending your knees as much as you need to to get there comfortably. Wrap your arms around your calves. Head is hanging down.
    INHALE to..

  • Half Lift (Arda Uttanasana)
    The set up - using your core strength, lift yourself half way, keeping your back straight. Your fingers rest on your tibias.
    EXHALE to..

  • Chaturanga Dandasana
    The set up - Place your hands on the mat, with wrists directly under shoulders, and step out to plank. Your feet should be hip distance apart. From plank, roll to the top of the balls of your feet, then lower down halfway, keeping your elbows tight to your body. Your gaze is forward.
    INHALE to..

  • Upward Facing Dog (Urdva Mukha Svanasana)
    The set up - Flip your feet over, and push up on your hands. Your weight is resting solely on your palms and the tops of your feet.
    EXHALE to..

  • Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
    The set up - Flip your feet back over, and using your core strength, push your hips up to the sky. Drive your heels back into the floor.
    Stay here for five breaths.
    INHALE as you step or jump into..

  • Half Lift (Arda Uttanasana)
    The set up - using your core strength, lift yourself half way, keeping your back straight. Your fingers rest on your tibias.
    EXHALE to..

  • Forward Fold (Uttanasana)
    The set up - you fold over to bring your stomach to your thighs, bending your knees as much as you need to to get there comfortably. Wrap your arms around your calves. Head is hanging down.
    INHALE to..

  • Upward Salute (Uttanasana)
    The set up - maintain your Mountain Pose in your lower body, and lift your arms to the sky. Make sure that you don’t bring your shoulders up to your ears. Keep your arms straight.
    EXHALE to..

  • Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
    The set up - stand with your toes touching, and your heels apart. Tuck your tailbone in, and ensure that your back is straight. Lengthen through the crown of your head, keeping your chin level.

** Images of the cards are copyright to Yogasana Jeu

**DISCLAIMER** Please check with a doctor before starting on a new fitness regime. We accept no liability for any injuries incurred.

Remember to take this slow and not push yourself to a point at which your are no longer comfortable.

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