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LIDOfit - Barre Workout for Toned Legs

LIDOfit - Barre Workout for Toned Legs

At the barre!

Barre workouts are great to strengthen and tone your muscles without increasing bulk. Inspired by ballet moves, this practice also helps improve your posture, while increasing cardiovascular endurance and metabolism. Today we're sharing with you a 15 minute standing barre workout to tone your legs and glutes, which can be great on its own and/or can also do wonders combined with our plank workout or ab circuit!

What you will need

A timer and a chair which top is ideally at hip level to support yourself .

Each set is

  • 30 seconds ballerina squats

The set up - Start in a standing position with your pelvis tucked in and your feet wide apart and outwards so your toes point about 45 degrees away from you and contract your abs.

The move - lower your hips down so your booty is sticking out, then bend your knees into a squat position. Make sure to keep your chin up and your core engaged to protect your lower back.

** Contraindications ** - Do not do this if you suffer from knee pain.

  • 30 seconds demi-pointe squat pulses

The set up - Perform a ballerina squat and lower your bum a tiny bit more. Remember to engage your core to prevent your back from rounding.

The move - Hold the squat at the bottom as you pulse a few centimeters up and down.

** Contraindications ** - Do not do this if you suffer from knee pain.

  • 30 seconds knee lift pulses (15 seconds on each leg)

The set up - For this exercise, you will need to hold onto a chair. Start standing tall with feet parallel and hips width apart. As you find a point of focus in front of you (preferably not a moving one!), shift your weight to one leg so it is anchored into the floor. Then pull in your navel and relax your shoulders. Raise your other, working leg in front of you with your knee bent at a 45 degree angle and with your foot pointed towards the floor.

The move - Pulse your leg a few centimeters up and down making sure your hips stay squared. Once you have completed 15 seconds on one leg, do the same on the other side.

  • 30 seconds Arabesque Pulses (15 seconds on each leg)

The set up - For this exercise, you will need to hold onto a chair. Start standing tall behind the chair with hands gently resting on the chair top, or holding on its sides. Shift your weight to one leg so it is anchored into the floor. Extend your other, moving leg out behind you with toes pointed towards your back wall. Make sure that your back leg is straighten and that your hips are squared.

The move - Pulse your leg a few centimeters up and down. Once you have completed 15 seconds on one leg, repeat on the other side.

** Contraindications ** Do not do this if you suffer from lower back pain.

Every time you complete a set is one lap. Take a 30 second break and start over - for a total of 6 laps.

**DISCLAIMER** Please check with a doctor before starting on a new fitness regime. We accept no liability for any injuries incurred. Remember to take this slow and not push yourself to a point at which you are no longer comfortable.

Postcard From… Cagliari

Postcard From… Cagliari

