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LIDOfit - 10 minute power workout

LIDOfit - 10 minute power workout

Whether or not your fitness goals have changed for the start of this new year, we have you covered with a new workout.


In today’s workout, you will work for 40 seconds and then take 20 seconds of rest before starting the next move. Repeat the circuit three times.

What you will need

This workout is body weight only. Make sure you have a sweat towel, water and a timer nearby.

Each set is

  • High knees
    The set up - feet hips width apart, core tight, arms in a runners stance.
    The move - bring your knees to hip hight, as you run on the spot. Power your arms as you go.

  • Skaters
    The set up - use your mat as a guideline.
    The move - standing at one end of your mat, leap to the other side, lengthwise, landing on one foot. Jump back to the other side, using your arms to propel you.

  • Low Impact Burpees

    The set up - feet hips width apart, core tight, arms in a runners stance.

    The move - bring your hands down to your mat, and step back into a plank. Step your feet back to where your hands are and reach up, coming onto your tip toes. Step back into plank on the opposite foot and keep alternating.

  • Bear Crawl

    The set up - start at the back of your mat. Come into a tabletop position, and lift your knees off the mat.

    The move - crawl forward, opposite hand to foot, ensuring that your butt stays low. Crawl the length of your mat and then back again.

  • High to low plank
    The set up - come into a plank: your shoulders are in line with your wrists, core tight, back flat. Have your feet hips width apart.
    The move - come down to your right forearm, then left forearm. Push yourself back up on your right hand, then left hand. Reverse the direction every time.

  • Bicycle Crunches

    The set up - come onto your back: your lower back is flat to the mat, core tight, legs in tabletop position. Have your feet hips width apart.
    The move - bring your right elbow across to your left knee, then repeat on the other side. Make sure that your back stays flat and keep pressure out of your neck..

  • Glute Bridges

    The set up - lie flat on your back, and bring your heels within reach of your fingertips. Feet should be hips width apart.

    The move - leaving your arms lying alongside your body, push into your heels and lift your glutes. Keep your core tight. Lower back down and repeat.

Do 3 rounds and finish with a 1 minute plank. This can be on your forearms, or in a high plank. You are of course welcome to extend the number of rounds, as your goals change.

Remember that you are going for speed to get your heart rate up!

Let us know how you get on!

**DISCLAIMER** Please check with a doctor before starting on a new fitness regime. We accept no liability for any injuries incurred.

Remember to take this slow and not push yourself to a point at which your are no longer comfortable.

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