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LIDOfit - Train like a Marine

LIDOfit - Train like a Marine

We can’t take any credit for creating this workout, but we can definitely share it, as it will kick your butt!

All potential Marines have to complete this workout as a first test of their fitness. We have tried it and loved it. Let us know what you think!

What you will need

This is bodyweight only. Have water and a sweat towel nearby.

Have a timer to hand.

Each set is

  • 20 burpees
    The set up - stand with your feet hips width apart, knees slightly bent. Arms alongside your body, and core tight.
    The move - jump back into plank, then jump your feet alongside your hands. Jump up straight, and reach for the sky, then repeat.

  • 30 sit ups
    The set up - lying on your back, ensure that your lower back presses into the floor, and that your core is engaged. Your knees are bent, with feet close enough for your fingertips to touch the back of your heels. Bring your hands behind your head.
    The move - exhale as you tighten your core and lift your head and shoulders off the mat. Ensure that there is no pressure in your neck.

  • 20 press ups
    The set up - come onto all fours in a table top position. Make sure that your wrists are aligned with you shoulders. Draw your belly button to the spine, and make sure that you are neither rounding your back, nor allowing it to sag. Step back into a plank, with your feet hips width apart.
    The move - bend your elbows, bringing your chest as close to the ground, without compromising your form, and push back up as you exhale.

  • 1 minute plank
    The set up - come onto all fours in a table top position. Make sure that your wrists are aligned with you shoulders. Draw your belly button to the spine, and make sure that you are neither rounding your back, nor allowing it to sag. Step back into a plank, with your feet hips width apart.

    The move - when you have the correct alignment, hold your position, ensuring that your shoulders aren’t bunching up around your ears. . If you want to make this more challenging, bring your feet closer together.

Complete each circuit 3 times. You are of course welcome to extend the time, as your goals change.

Let us know how you get on!

**DISCLAIMER** Please check with a doctor before starting on a new fitness regime. We accept no liability for any injuries incurred.

Remember to take this slow and not push yourself to a point at which your are no longer comfortable.

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