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LIDOfit - January 10 Minute Cardio Workout

LIDOfit - January 10 Minute Cardio Workout

To start the New Year off on the right foot, we thought we'd share with you another fast yet efficient cardio workout!

What you will need:

  • a timer

  • a towel

  • a glass of water to hydrate when you're done! 😉

Each set is

  • 30 second jumping jacks

    Set up - stand with your legs together straightened and your arms along both sides of the body.

    The move - Bend your knees slightly and jump up and spread your feet beyond hip-width apart while bringing your arms over your head, nearly touching.

    Jump back to your initial position, lowering your arms and bringing your legs together.

    ** Contraindications ** Do not do this if you suffer from knee or ankle pain

  • 30 second burpees

    Set up - stand in squat position with your back straight and legs shoulder-width apart.

    The move - Bend over and place both hands on the floor in front of you, just inside of your feet. 

    With your bodyweight shifted on your hands and arms, jump both feet back and take a plank position - imagine that your body is one long line of energy.

    From there, do one push up and jump your feet back in toward the hands. 

    Stand and jump, reaching your arms over your head and you land back to your initial position.

    Modifications - you can also skip the push up and still benefit from the cardio blast. Another alternative can be to do a 30-second push up set either in a standard position or on your knees. 

    ** Contraindications ** Do not do this if you suffer from wrist pains and/or diseases or injuries of the lumbar spine. 

  • 30 second mountain climbers

    Set up - Start into a traditional plank position, shoulders over wrists and making sure to distribute your weight evenly between your hands and your toes.

    The move - using your core, bring your right knee towards your chest, with the toes pointed just off the ground.

    Return to your initial position and switch legs, bringing the left knee towards your chest. 

    Making sure your core is contracted and your body is not collapsing, run your knees in and out as far and as fast as you can.

    ** Contraindications ** Do not do this if you suffer from injuries or instabilities in your shoulders, abdominal muscles, or pelvis.

  • 30 second V-ups

    Set up - start lying on your back with arms extended over your head. Keeping your feet together and toes pointed.

    The move - lift your torso and legs in one movement engaging your core, as if you were trying to touch your toes.

    Slowly lower yourself back down to your initial position.

    Modifications - start in the same position and bring knees to chest, hugging them as you lift your torso up. Then come back down slowly to your initial position.

    ** Contraindications ** Do not do this if you suffer from lower back pain and abdominal muscle pain.

Every time you complete a set is one lap. Take a 30 second break and start over - for a total of 4 laps! 

**DISCLAIMER** Please check with a doctor before starting on a new fitness regime. We accept no liability for any injuries incurred.

Remember to take this slow and not push yourself to a point at which you are no longer comfortable.

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